Thứ Bảy, 5 tháng 3, 2011

Review: Liz Earle - Skincare Miracle

I want to start off by saying that I know there are a good few Liz Earle reviews floating about on the Internet, but if you know me, and you know my blog, then anything I choose to rave about, I really love or desperately want to share my opinions of with you, so I hope this helps a lot of you.

I was actually sent the cleanse & polish, along with the toner and moisturiser last summer. You could say this review is long overdue, but I wanted to get full use of the products in order to review them properly. I don't know if its just me, but I don't particularly want to read an opinion on a product that someone has used for a week. When I was sent the products, I hadn't heard too much about Liz Earle & I hadn't ever used a muslin cloth in conjunction with a cleanser. Nor had I ever applied cleanser to a dry face, so it was all a very new experience. One which I shall now be using for the rest of my life.

I was also sent this cute little travel pack, which includes: Superbalm, Moisturiser, Toner & Hand cream. I have also used all this up.

The Cleanse & Polish Hot Cloth Cleanser

I'll start by talking about the first, and most important step in the Liz Earle regime, and that's cleansing. For a start, the bottle is genius. You just pump out as much as you need, which then ensures there's no mess, and no squeezing necessary (something you really do appreciate when you are coming to the end of the tube - How annoying is it when you have to start squeezing product within an inch of your life like a toothpaste tube). You then apply the cleanser (which I'd also like to add, smells absolutely divine - really natural) to a dry face or full face of makeup. At first, I found this odd and hard to get used to, but after a while it became such a lovely treat. I don't know about you, but I hate having to splash my face with water as it mostly ruins my hair and me being the absolute clutz that I am, will more than likely splash it all over myself, so not having to do this, made cleansing so much easier, and it actually became something I looked forward to at the end of the day and in the morning, rather than a messy chore. After applying the cleanser all over your face and neck, and creating what I'd like to call "coal face" (the after effect of cleanser + black eye makeup then smeared all over your face), you run your muslin cloth (2 provided when bought with the cleanser pack) under warm/hot water, and use this to remove the makeup and cleanser. It's a lot more controlled than splashing your face, and the muslin cloth works as an exfoliator on the skin, which in turn helps to leave your skin feeling refreshed and revitalised alongside the cleanser.
The cleanser I used was 100ml, and this lasted me a good 7 months, used both at night and in the morning, but obviously this depends on how much you need to remove a face of makeup. For the drag queens out there, I wouldn't expect it to last as long ;)

The results of using this cleanser were seriously amazing. My skin has never been terribly bad, but I have dry/combination skin which was a nightmare to control, and I'd still get the occasional breakouts and uneven skin tone mostly. A problem that I tend to have more than any other person, is that were I'd have a spot, it would scar, and the redness left behind would take weeks or even months to disappear, and one of the things i noticed when using Liz Earle was that my skin not only started to co operate, but the redness and scaring caused by spots, would disappear almost instantly, and then spots weren't even an issue anymore, as the cleanser prevented them from rearing their ugly heads anyway. My skin was more even, much healthier and I definitely noticed a massive difference that no other cleanser has even come close to. It was a very sad day recently when my beloved Liz Earle cleanser ran out, and my skin is definitely punishing me for it!

Liz Earle Instant Boost Skin Tonic

I use this toner on a cotton wool pad after every time I cleanse my face. I know that a few of you don't use toner, or feel it a necessary step in your face regime, but personally, I don't think I could live without it. It ensures that you have removed every last trace of makeup, or cleanser from your face before moisturising. This toner is by far the best one I have ever used. It's extremely refreshing and I feel like my face literally soaked up all the goodness, which in turn, left my face looking so much more radiant and feeling squeaky clean. I still have the smallest bit left and I'm trying to use is sparingly as I just don't want it to end. haha.

Liz Earle Skin Repair Moisturiser - Dry/Sensitive

The last step to the routine, is of course, the moisturiser. I hadn't heard many people raving about this, but in fact, it's the best moisturiser I have EVER used. Yes, dramatic but in absolutely no way an overexageration. I have dry/combination skin, which means there are parts of my face in need of a damn good thirst quench, and others that I could probabaly fry an egg on. (I'll leave you with this splendid imagery of my face for a few moments). I have never, in a good 8 years since wearing moisturiser, found anything that can combat both these problems, and still have the ability to make me look glowy and fresh. That was of course until I used this (I don't want to come across like a cheesy person on an infomercial but it's true). I used every little last bit up of this. There wasn't one day where I went without it. I think I even went through a phase where this was in my handbag because I just couldn't part with it, and the thought of not having it there when i needed it was truely horrifying...I'm aware that i'm now coming across like a crazy Liz Earle addict. Is there a rehab center for this? I don't think I ever want to use another moisturiser and I dont ever feel like need to keep buying and trying. I literally scraped the jar clean. There is nothing left, nada. Have I ever done this before? No. Normally, I won't even finish a moisturiser because I haven't gotten on with it.

I do appologise for my quite rambly, long review, but I really think it deserves all the praise it's getting. Not only do I love Liz Earle for creating these products but my skin also love love loves her, and I know that I won't be able to use anything else now. I am terribly terribly sad my products have now run out, and I will definitely be saving to buy more. Not that Liz Earle is expensive, in fact it's very reasonably priced. I do urge any of you who are stuck in a rut with your skincare to pop along to any of the stockists or get yourself online (here) or even just to talk to one of the consultants and see what it can do for your skin type. Obviously it won't be for everyone & some of you may have already tried it and not liked it, but personally I don't ever want to use anything else if i can help it.

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