Last photo left in for comedic value. I wasnt even aware I could make that shape with my mouth.
♥ BLEURGH. This is how I am currently feeling. Just bleurgh. January is just so depressing. It's always the worst time of the year for me. No real reason, I just hate the weather, the lack of money etc etc. Even when the sun breaks through a dark horrible cloud on a very rare occasion I am instantly cheered up. I guess i'm one of those who's mood is greatly affected by weather, and because of this I have decided that I definitely need to either hibernate through the crappy first few months of the year OR move somewhere warm every winter. ;) This week has just been a pile of poop. Everything is going wrong. I need something good to happen before I self destruct.♥ Anyone else think that Wednesday nights are the worst for good tv. Whilst doing my every-10-minutes-channel flicking in order to find something half decent to watch, I came across "Never Been Kissed"on E4. Great film. Gotta love those 90's chick flicks. What's your favourite?
♥ Excited for Adele's new album. Very excited in fact.
♥ I now have a tripod, so I can start attempting to do some half decent-ish outfit posts. Hoorah!
♥ Currently reading Stephanie Dreams and Sophia's Journal
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