Thứ Tư, 26 tháng 1, 2011

Someday Summary - Wednesday

♥ After walking past the "Hummingbird Bakery" on Portobello Road in London too many times, and never actually stopping to investigate, I decided that last week, whilst visiting, I was going to go in & make a spontaneous purchase on cupcakes. I absolutely friggin love cupcakes. I never get enough time to make them, and mine never come out as amazing as the ones they have to offer, so I did treat myself. I think the one's I purchased were £1.95 each. They are of the basic vanilla & butter icing variety, but they did have other fancy ones. To be honest, I felt a little overwhelmed & felt like the ladies behind the counter were thinking "Hurry up woman, they're only blummin cupcakes, pick some". I'd also like to add, they were DELICIOUS & I definitely urge you to visit. If anyone knows anywhere besides "The Hummingbird Bakery" in London that offers scrumptious cupcakes, do share.
♥ After my last blogpost on Charity Shopping, it inspired me & the muvster (that's mum), to hit the charity shops. So that is exactly what we did today. We went to 4 different towns, and about 10 different charity shops (call us crazy if you must) and I picked up a fair few amazing garments, and a nice amount of books that some of you had reccommended to me after my book post. I will post up on my finds if you so wish.

♥ Whilst out today, we went into a little gift shop & I fell in love with the Valentines "Juicy Lucy" range. There were cards, chocolates & other little bits and pieces. I wanted all of it, but alas, I only have one boyfriend & so more than one card could be deemed somewhat naughty. I did buy a little pack of "Filthy Fairy Notes". Don't be alarmed, I do have a slight sense of humour & when it comes to silly things like Valentines day, you definitely won't see me buying huge cards with hearts all over them & gag-worthy lines like "To the one I love" or "To the very special man in my life". I'd rather buy something slightly less cheese. Some of these were surprisngly "filthy" but some were a little more softcore haha. So, If you're like me, and you prefer to have a slight laugh & not take Valentines too seriously or cheese-fest-ingly (Yes, i think i just made this word up) then check out the website. Or, yanno, if you do like being a big cheeseball, just stick to a 5ft teddybear.

A few of the cards they had that I liked. How adorable is the peanut one? haha
♥ I think I have a slight obsession with Jessie J. I've been following her on Youtube for what seems like years, so for her to now be playing on the radio is madness. I'm ever so pleased for her. I must admit, I find her mannerisms slightly distracting annoying but her voice is absolutely amazing. I've been listening to this song over & over, and I'm guessing it's going to be on the album in March as she's called it "Who You Are". Listen & Enjoy.
♥ I have also been a little obsessed over Iphone Photography apps. Mainly Instagram & Pudding Camera - Both free :) If you are a bit of a photography enthusiast & love photos with a retro/vintage feel, I urge you to get these Iphone apps and have a play around. 

♥ Currently Reading Little Chief Honeybee & Shutterbug

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