Thứ Bảy, 15 tháng 1, 2011

Someday Summary - Saturday

Sorry that i'm updating you on my not-so-exciting life again this evening, I wanted to show you a few bits i've bought recently but I got back from work & it was dark, so that will have to wait until tomorrow when I can actually take some photos in good lighting.

♥ The photos above were taken last night, My brother (Joe) was off to a masquerade ball and I was off out for drinks with my girlies. We don't have many photo's together, and any that we do have, are either stupid or old. Look how much we've changed! In the old photo, I believe I was about 5 & Joe was probabaly 3 or 4. I do hope you appreciate my crazed expression (I promise i'm not posessed) & my equally terriffic jumper. I just want to squish my brothers chubby little cheeks. I also find it quite funny that aged 5, i am sporting naturally ombred hair...
He will be off travelling on Wednesday & I've helped to create a blog so he can document his antics. So follow that HERE. Nothing on it yet, but he will be doing a post before he goes, and obviously posting lots whilst he's away for 3 months.
♥ My week is getting slightly better since Wednesday's "Bleurgh" post. Lots more work & distractions & a few hours of peeking sunshine.
♥ I have rekindled my love of Ebay. This is never a good thing. First purchase of the year on ebay is an oversized, vintage farm yard animal jumper. Not everyone's cup of tea i'm sure, but I would quite like to wear it with leggings, my boots & a bit of a messy barnet up-do. I'm sure i can work those farmyard animals somehow.
♥ Currently reading A Twenty-Something & Thats Peachy

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